Multi Step Problem Solving 5th Grade. Try the given examples, or type in. In the previous two pages, we've looked at solving one-step linear equations; that is, equations that require one addition or subtraction, or that require one multiplication or division.
Some problems ask students between what numbers does the answer lie? Have Fun Learning & Get Better Grades. The word "multi" means more than two, or many.
In the previous two pages, we've looked at solving one-step linear equations; that is, equations that require one addition or subtraction, or that require one multiplication or division.
Since word problems describe a real situation in detail, the question being asked can get lost in all the information, especially in a multi-step problem.
Sal solves multi-step unit conversion example using U. Scroll down the page for more You can use the free Mathway calculator and problem solver below to practice Algebra or other math topics. Learn, math, science, English, SAT & ACT from expert teachers at Brightstorm.