Short I And Long I. Enter this page to print out worksheets, games, and activities dedicated solely to words that contain the short-I vowel sound. If a word with a certain vowel in it says the name of the vowel, then that vowel is making a "long" sound.
If you're a long time follower of this blog, you know that I love to share reading games and hands-on learning activities. Examples of Each Short I Worksheet Template Page. Choose the word that has a long "i" sound.
Start Independent Long and short 'i' How difficult was this activity?
Skills Listening Pronunciation This pronunciation and listening activity practises pronouncing the long and short 'i' sound..
All vowels in English can be pronounced with either a short sound and or a long sound. Here, we have the third vowel of the alphabet, and it makes an /i/ "ih" sound. The long "i" sound is the vowel sound in ice, fly, like, and high.