Greater Than And Less Than Worksheets. The greater than less than worksheets on this page show simple numbers, math facts, clock times and numbers in scientific notation that students compare to insert the right comparison operator to make the statement true. Greater than Less than worksheets contain comparing quantities, cut-glue activity, identifying greater/smaller number, comparing numbers in words and symbols, basic inequality, comparing real-world units and more.
If we consider the lines of the greater than and less than symbols as a crocodile's jaws, we just need to remember that the croc. always eats the The worksheet topics below are ordered by difficulty. These worksheets support the understanding of quantity in number. We have a nice variety to choose from and they range in difficulty.
Greater / Less Than: Comparing Worksheets.
The "less than" sign and the "greater than" sign look like a "V" on its side, don't they?
Skill - Less Than, Greater Than Name: _ Less Than, Greater ThanDirections: Use the symbol < or > to show if a number is less than or greater than. Difficulty levels vary from two-digit numbers up to six-digit numbers. Yes, I realize that's stretching it!