Hundred Thousand Place Value. Our place-value system is called the "decimal" system, because it's based on "all my fingers" (being "ten fingers"); that is to say, the "base" of our number I've got nine thousands, three hundreds, and two ones. We write numbers using only ten symbols (called Digits).
Download this entire set of vibrant charts to comprehend the place values up to hundred thousands. Students will become more confident in their place value skills when they answer math questions like these: 'Two hundred five thousand, six hundred one - which of the following numbers matches the words. We write numbers using only ten symbols (called Digits).
Place Value Up to Ten Thousands Place.
The last or right digit is the ones' place which is four in this example.
Round numbers to thousands, hundreds, tens, ones, tenths, hundredths and thousandths. We call such a system place value, or positional, numeration. The place value tells you the value of each digit in a number.