Fragments And Sentences. Likewise, a sentence fragment is a just a piece of a sentence that's become detached or separated from the rest. On its own, it's an incomplete sentence, and so it's sometimes called a fragment.
With these worksheets on sentences, run-ons, and fragments, students will learn to recognize and write complete Determine which groups of words are sentences and which ones are fragments. Most sentence fragments are phrases, or subordinate clauses, or combinations of the two. Make sure you know the strategies to deal with these questions, and challenge yourself with our practice questions.
A sentence fragment is an incomplete sentence.
Usually, fragments are pieces of sentences that have become disconnected from the main clause.
Only very, very experienced writers may use fragments for stylistic purposes. There are occasions when a sentence fragment can be stylistically effective. Consider this example Sentences and Fragments: The Differences and When to Use Each One.