Blank Weather Map Worksheet. Vocabulary worksheet containing WEATHER words and the SEASONS. Students will understand basic information about weather, learn about different types of weather maps and create and present national weather maps showing different conditions.

The students look at a new weather map on the worksheet and practice asking and answering questions about what the weather is going to be like in.
This worksheet serves best in testing Let kids look out off the window, observe the weather and fill the blanks in this worksheet.
Reading: Began working on "Bringing the Script to Life" (HW: If not already done, complete at least two of the three tables on the Comparing Script to. Maps like the one below provide data that meteorologists use to prepare Specific kinds of conditions are associated with different types of clouds. Worksheets are Interpreting weather maps, Weather forecast Once you find your worksheet, click on pop-out icon or print icon to worksheet to print or download.