Short E And Long E Worksheets. Have them listen to the words and classify them in the categories "Short e" and Long e". Short e - Word List and Sentences.
This is the sound you hear in words like red, jet, and egg. I keep on creating blog posts that systematize some teaching materials published in numerous scattered posts based on similarity. We hear the long 'e' in words like seal, meet, & meat.
Size - Longest and Shortest Size - Shortest and Tallest Size - Smallest and Biggest Tracing Pre Writing Worksheets Tracing - Line Tracing - Preschool Tracing - Shape Tracing - Preschool Tracing.
Each file has both short and long vowel sounds.
I showed him how he needed to read all the way This one was surprisingly difficult. Long E and Long U Word Sorts. The following diagram shows some examples of short E and long E words.